Monday, January 29, 2024

What's the Story?

This solitary heliotrope tree caught my attention as I sauntered along the beach taking in the Kailua-Kona sunrise. Spending some time observing it stirred up a lot of questions:

How deep are its roots?

How much sand is there before the ground becomes solid lava rock?

Do the roots need to access fresh water or does it process salty water?

Had there been other trees here which were unable to endure as this one has?

It’s a simple tree. It is not famous. There are no placards testifying to its significance. It is mostly unremarkable, but it has a story, and I’ll never fully know that story, but I can infer some of it based on what I can observe.

A lot of us are like this tree. Mostly unremarkable, certainly so from a distance, and perhaps more so when we’re disconnected. However, we all have a story, and it’s worthwhile to acknowledge this fact, especially as we encounter others living from the experience of their particular stories. Considering this can inform how we choose to respond. Further, taking the time to learn others’ stories can reveal just how amazing people actually are, and sometimes give us the courage to move forward along the timeline of our own stories.

I’m thankful for having had the opportunity to spend some time with this tree. (The sunrise was pretty spectacular too.)

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


This past year, I came upon a word I don't hear used much any more: saunter. While the etymology of this word is obscure, I like to believe a theory repeated by those such as John Muir and Henry David Thoreau is accurate, though I'm convinced it actually is not.

"Do you know the origin of that word 'saunter?' It's a beautiful word. Away back in the Middle Ages people used to go on pilgrimages to the Holy Land, and when people in the villages through which they passed asked where they were going, they would reply, "A la sainte terre,' 'To the Holy Land.' And so they became known as sainte-terre-ers or saunterers. Now these mountains are our Holy Land, and we ought to saunter through them reverently, not 'hike' through them." The Mountain Trail and its Message (1911)

Regardless of its origin, the meaning of this word is well understood today.

saunter /sôn′tər/

intransitive verb

  1. To walk at a leisurely pace; stroll.


  1. A leisurely pace.
  2. A leisurely walk or stroll.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

I like this distinction between hiking and sauntering, and I would say I prefer to saunter through the wilderness/nature. Ask any reasonably good landscape/nature photographer how to improve one's photography, and among the list of tips, you'll likely find the advice to sit with a place for some time to identify a good composition. Sauntering allows time to sit with a place or places.

That brings me to the light portion of this blog's name, and it is two-fold.

First, as a photographer, I am always looking at light and its effect on my surrounding. Sometimes, even absent a proper subject, I am captivated by what the light is doing to my environment. Sauntering affords me more opportunity to notice the light and its impact. After all, photography is about light; Observing it and capturing it.

Second, this notion of sauntering with light brings to mind a related concept found in the Bible.

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.   (1 John 1:7)

for you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light   (Ephsians 5:8)

As I live my life each day, spending some of that time observing the physical light around me, I'm also mindful to walk, albeit imperfectly, in the spiritual light of Jesus Christ; That is, the light of the world. For me, this fits nicely with the notion of pilgrimage associated with the aforementioned theory about the origin of the word saunter. While sauntering is leisurely, it seems less aimless to me than wandering. There is still purpose, a reason to move, but less urgency to get there. I've been learning to concern myself less with destinations and outcomes while focusing more on the journey. The journey is where we are tested, where we learn and where we grow. That's a topic for another post though.

This intention of this blog is to share my photography, thoughts and discoveries as I saunter with light.

Wandering into Astrophotography

Bodie Island Light Station ISO 1250 @15s I recently made my second attempt to practice astrophotography, specifically trying to capture the ...